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Books are my addition. My other weakness in chocolate and my kitten Bolo :)

Currently reading

In a Sunburned Country
Bill Bryson
The Stand
Stephen King

A Short History of Nearly Everything: Special Illustrated Edition

A Short History of Nearly Everything: Special Illustrated Edition - Bill Bryson Bill Bryson is excellent as always. Great stories, very engaging, witty but also quite informative. It's a book of nice compilation - it brings both knowledge and humor - information and entertainment. A kind of 'infotainment' on paper so to speak :)

Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously

Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously - Julie Powell One of my favorite books. Based on true story book portrays not only cooking but also relationships. Touching, moving and inspirational - in the cookery sense ;) I was always hungry while reading it! Yummy!

The Dead Zone (Signet)

The Dead Zone - Stephen King This is one of the best book by King. I'm a huge fan of this author so it's nothing strange that I love his books. but this one is definitely my No.1 !

He Sees You When You're Sleeping : A Novel

He Sees You When You're Sleeping - Carol Higgins Clark, Mary Higgins Clark Nice read, excellent for beach or lazy afternoon :)

When Tito Loved Clara

When Tito Loved Clara - Jon Michaud Very nice summer read. I did't know Jon Michaud but after reading this book I'd love to have more book of his novels on my bookshelf. Four strong stars from me.

Wokini: A Lakota Journey to Happiness and Self-Understanding

Wokini: A Lakota Journey to Happiness and Self-Understanding - Billy Mills I didn't like it. Although I generally like Sparks this book isn't my cup of tea.

Maine (Vintage Contemporaries)

Maine - J. Courtney Sullivan A really great book. Very touching, emotional and definitely a must read. One of the best bestsellers I've ever read.

Solitude: Seeking Wisdom in Extremes: A Year Alone in the Patagonia Wilderness

Solitude: Seeking Wisdom in Extremes: A Year Alone in the Patagonia Wilderness - Robert Kull "Solitude" is a truly inspirational story about a man who spend a whole year in a real wild setting. We may follow how he struggles not only with harsh weather and food finding process but also his interior demons and deep thoughts. The book looks like journal entries mixed with his contemplations. He couldn't avoid it as he had no social distractions, the only companion he had was his own mind and a cat. he is honest and authentic in his writing that's why the book is so captivating. You need to have a lot of courage to go on an excursion like that, experience all those deep feelings and thoughts and describe all of it, with pain, sorrow, joy and peace. All of that flows out from the books' pages. As soon as I was engaged in this story I didn't want to put it down. Although the described world seems to be extremely difficult, you get easily immersed in it. And what is more, he combined it with some spiritual search, the author wanted to find The Answers about us and the world. But are there any real answers? All we can do is to search and sometimes the conditions are really extreme. like here. High recommendation.

Alicia Appleman-Jurman

Alicia Appleman-Jurman - I'll never forget this novel. I've read it several times and I find it better each time. I like this kind of books because they are not only moving and touching but I can also learn more about history and world. Alicia was extremely brave and strong girl, she had to deal with so many awful situations. Sometimes I had to put the book down as I was so emotional that tears were just pouring down my cheeks. What is important is the fact that the story is very personal, it is not political, although it presents political and social perspective of those War World II in Eastern Europe. Remarkable memoir that I'll never forget.

A Beautiful Mind

A Beautiful Mind - Sylvia Nasar I love to read biographies, they are interesting, give broader perspective and allow to learn more about people I'm interested in. this one is excellent. You read it not as a normal biography but a real-life fiction book.Although it's a biography ot is really fast-paced and I just couldn't put it down. And if you enjoyed the movie, you will enjoy this book for sure too. Moreover, here you can find much more information about Nash, his life and illness. In the book we get to know about his youth, life at college and a great pressure among other mathematicians to be the best as well as the illness and the way of recovery. Great, engaging and inspiring.

Multiple Bles8ings: Surviving to Thriving with Twins and Sextuplets

Multiple Bles8ings: Surviving to Thriving with Twins and Sextuplets - Jon Gosselin;Kate Gosselin;Beth Carson I didn't like it at all. What's so interesting about a family that has children? A lot of couples have twins, triples or more and they don't do such a big deal about it. Some people who take care of orphans and children form dysfunctional families have more serious problems that Gosselins family! Maybe the television should think about dealing with this kind of problem and give some extra money to the third world countries and not for trips for a whole family and free family filming. I think they are a little bit selfish, well, Kate at leas admits that she's doing that for money- to be able to give proper education to her children. Pity that only she and not other big families can get such a great income to provide all their children with good living conditions.